Sunday, March 14, 2010


I just got done watching "Say Anything" for the millionth time and I can't help but tell everyone that I've always had this thing for John Cusack. I mean it's no secret, my sister knows I love him, but not many of my friends know of this obsession, lol.

Also on that note, I kinda hide the fact that I absolutely love the 80s. I feel like sometimes I'm a generation late. Somebody said to me at the bar last night, "what do you think you are, educated?" I guess I must have sounded informative on that fact that I knew what I was talking about when movies were the main topic. Made me feel special in a way.

Plus another guy said to me "how are you not married?" Yes I was at the bar, and yes he's engaged to another girl, but this guy is a pretty good friend of mine and I was pleasantly surprised with that statement, but grateful. He said I'm a catch and couldn't understand how nobody has snatched me up yet. Very cute. He just doesn't know how I am in relationships, lol. I'm not up to par with how to play the "game" and I love a person one day and hate them the next, that's just me.

Maybe John Cusack will come sweep me off my feet.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Oscar nite.

And the Oscar goes to........

Another Academy Awards has passed and I'm sitting here again loving every minute of it. Why is that? Why do I get so wrapped up in these people that I hardly know and feel like I'm living their lives? I don't know to tell you the truth. It was another great show if I may say, here are some highlights...

• First I must tell you, the amazing montage of John Hughes films was the first time I teared up during the show. To see all the kids he worked with, especially Macaulay Culkin and how he got kinda choked up, made me realize how great Hughes really was as a person.

• Next has to be Kathryn Bigelow winning best director. She breaks a barrier for all of us women and I have so much respect for her. The Hurt Locker deserves recognition and I'm happy they both got a gold statue.

• Okay the horror montage was a bit outta sorts for this kinda award show, but it was well done and put together perfectly with the background music. Did I say I love horror films?

• Sandra Bullock, you help me understand that being original is soo much better than being someone you're not and I feel that because of you, I am who I am today. That no matter what people tell you, be yourself and that's all that matters.

• Oh Jeff Bridges you've come a long way and I'm glad you finally got recognized for it and I'll never forget a little movie called Stick It.

• ...the dance sequence for all the original scores was pretty freaking awesome, good job Academy!

• On the flip side, sorry Academy I'm gonna tell you again I dislike the live music during the "In Memoriam." It takes away from the montage on screen and they have close ups of the singer?? I mean come on, I wanna see those pictures! p.s. you forgot Farrah Fawcett and Bea Arthur, bah humbug!

Just a few of the many great moments tonight at the Academy Awards. Please cast Alec Baldwin and Steve Martin again, they always do a good job. Goodnight all.